Monday 2 April 2012

Importance of drinking water

I always share with my club members, why they must drink enough water daily. Minimum 3L a day in the hot & humid Singapore. It is to replace the fluids we lost through perspiration and urination etc.
I have attached an article to share my point :)

 So... how much water must I drink, you ask me.
This is the formula I always teach my members to use : -
Body Weight (KG) X 0.07 = Amount of water daily

So... any form of fluid?
Yes, as long as it does not contain sugar, salt, oils, preservatives or anything extra that your body do not need. Hence, green tea, chinese tea, freshly squeeze juices are also counted into your daily consumption.

To Find out how healthy is your water in your body, drop me an email 
Subject title : My total body water
Email text : Name, Age, Gender and Contact No.

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