Monday 2 April 2012

Functions of Water

Here is the illustration on the functions of water in our body, so do you wanna drink water

Here Are some Tips on the Harmful Effects and Symptoms of Dehydration
The Harmful Effects Result from Dehydration:
  • Tiredness
  • Migraine
  • Constipation
  • Muscle cramps
  • Irregular blood pressure
  • Kidney problems
  • Dry skin
  • 20% dehydrated – Risk of death
Symptoms of Dehydration
Here are some of the symptoms that you need more water:
  • Dark Urine – Dark Yellow or Orange in Color: Urine is generally pale yellow to clear when you have sufficient water intake. Dark color or strong smell indicates that you need to drink more water.
  • Dry Skin: Skin is the largest body organ and requires its share of water.
  • Thirst: Thirst is the most obvious sign that you're already dehydrated. It is always a good practice to drink more water when your are not thirsty, don’t wait until you're thirsty.
  • Hunger: Most people mistake hunger for the indication to eat more, whereas in actual fact, they may be dehydrated. So before you have your meal, grab a glass of water.
  • Fatigue: Water is a source of energy and gives you a boost in energy.
Testimony from my Club member :
Cecilia: "After 5 weeks on the healthy breakfast and learning to drink enough water which is 4L daily, my migraine condition improved"

To meet Cecilia in person and find out how she improved her migraine condition, email
Subject title : Functions of water
Text : Name, Age, Gender, contact no.

Waiting to hear from you! Cheers

Importance of drinking water

I always share with my club members, why they must drink enough water daily. Minimum 3L a day in the hot & humid Singapore. It is to replace the fluids we lost through perspiration and urination etc.
I have attached an article to share my point :)

 So... how much water must I drink, you ask me.
This is the formula I always teach my members to use : -
Body Weight (KG) X 0.07 = Amount of water daily

So... any form of fluid?
Yes, as long as it does not contain sugar, salt, oils, preservatives or anything extra that your body do not need. Hence, green tea, chinese tea, freshly squeeze juices are also counted into your daily consumption.

To Find out how healthy is your water in your body, drop me an email 
Subject title : My total body water
Email text : Name, Age, Gender and Contact No.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Passion Atelier ~ A place where friendships are formed

Passion Atelier, located in the town of Tampines. 

Passion Atelier ~ 
A place where kindred spirits meet
A place where friendships are born
A place where dreams are moulded
A place where dreams are fulfilled


[at-l-yey, at-l-yey; Fr. atuh-lyey]
noun, plural at·el·iers [at-l-yeyz, at-l-yeyz; Fr. atuh-lyey]
a workshop or studio, especially of an artist, artisan, or designer.